Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Finally something to say...

So I've been coming online for days now trying to come up with something to blog about (as it turned out, my life is way more boring than I thought. And that's saying something). I've finally found my subject. Ever notice how people never really seem to offer up want you want until the moment you don't want it so much anymore? That just happened to me this week. I have a job now. It's not really work though. I get paid $3000 (roughly US$43) a week to help these two girls with their homework every day.
Now, everyone who knows me knows that I love kids and that I'm great at babysitting, but keeping them focussed enough to sit down and do homework for an hour or two? I have found the drawback here. But between rehersal's for this year's big musical, practicing my sight-singing and feeding my Facebook pet I really have nothing to do with my time... so I figured, what the hell? It's worth the cash, I got the time and I get to hang out with two adorable younger girls.

And in other news! There's a Halloween party coming up next month- any friends who are reading know I'm talking about Silent Scream- and I am so loving the idea of arriving as none other than Dr. Martha Jones of the Doctor Who and U.N.I.T. fame. (She's my fave to Tegan) For those of you who don't watch her and don't know the full extent of her costuminess:
Gotta love 'er. Some people are saying that her costume doesn't look like a costume at all. Well, duh, it's not supposed to. But alongside the Doctor, [click it] someone's bound to get it. If not, there's always the all black thing she had going in "Last of the Time Lords" and again in "Journey's End". [linkety-link-link]
The upside to the black deal is the fact that when someone decides to pose the question "What have you come as?", instead of responding "Martha Jones, and he's the Doctor.", I can say "I'm Dr. Martha Jones of UNIT, who the hell are you?". Makes the cosplay just a bit more kickass, no? Black jackets are a hell of a lot easier to find than maroon or red leather too. Gawd, if feels awesome knowing that I'd be able to afford one. Oh, and the backup backup? Lauren Cooper.

And now I'll leave you with:

"Amest I bovver-ed?"

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