Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dissapointments, New Beginnings

Ok. Let me officially introduce myself, because this is my first (and hopefully not last) entry. My name is Nikii (Nicky). I'm all over the net and I'm 17. Yes, I've lied about my age online. Yes, I've made up names. No, you can't trust that I am who I say I am...or can you? Decide that for yourself.
I'm going to introduce myself RP style so I can avoid being questioned.


Name: Nikii G (I may tell you all my real name eventually)
Age: 17 (and counting)
DOB: March 17, 1991

Skin: Light Brown
Height/Weight: 5'1"/114lbs
Hair: Dark brown/black
Eyes: Dark brown
Other: I have biggish eyes, thick eyebrows and full lips that get red when the weather is hot. I'm of many descents and therefore have a face that is often difficult to stereotype. It could be said to be Native American/African or Indian/African White/Indian, etc. The truth is I'm Jamaican, and therefore no race suits me. I'm mixed. That being said:

Ethnicity: Caucasian, African, East Indian, Native American, Pacific Islander, Asian

Nationality: I'm an American by birth, but I also have the birthright of being called a Jamaican citizen (thank you Mum and Dad). Jamericans to di werl!

Personality: I honest most of the time and have a distinct dislike towards hypocrites, republicans and people who lol or 1337 speak in an important discussion. I can actually be a pretty fun-loving person and I'm often said to be random. Most of my friends think I'm crazy which is okay, because they are too.

Psychological Disorder: clinical depression (possibly bi-polar)

Now, with all that said and done, the fun really begins. This blog catches me at a funny point in my life. (I actually joined to stalk a David Tennant look-alike named Liam, but I can do that later) My great-grandmother died this Sunday. The day before I officially started college. It feels odd. I've never experienced the death of someone I really knew and loved before and well, it's taken by surprise. But I've been warned by the 'rents time and time again that life moves on time and time again. Not that I haven't tried to stop the clock. I just found it futile eventually because life had too much to it.

The question has been asked by my high school friends, "What is college like?" (for the record, most of them are in sixth form -Americans, that's like pre-college- and have no idea what to expect.) I don't really know how to answer that. See, I'm attending Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts- School of Music. (mouthful much?) I have been placed in a Preliminary Qualifying program and therefore, have pretty much 2 hours of school a day. So what's college like? It's like doing the stuff my mum used to teach me on the weekends in class and not having to deal with shitty math teachers along the way. There you go. I still have work to do. Mainly practicing keyboard skills and my primary instrument (voice), plus I have weekly homework in music theory (are you lot bored yet?). So college- I like it. End of story. Moving right along....

I didn't intend to go to college this year. I wanted this year off. I wanted to work at the local electronics and gaming store, spending my cash on clothes, games and stuff to help me make a life-size TARDIS (j/k). That didn't suit my mother very well. My mum (god bless her) is a bit paranoid and very very overprotective. It takes a lot of convincing to get her to change her mind. And now I have no pocket cash. Which, in all fairness, can actually be blamed on CashPlus and stinkin' tief Careless and Wutless. whatever whatever whatever.

This is simply an intro to my life and I think I've ranted enough for the time being. Until next time,

"Oh it's you! You're my favourite, you are! You know why? Cos you're so... thick! You're Mr Thick-Thick-Thickity-Thick Face from Thicktown, Thickania! And so's your dad!"- The Tenth Doctor

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