Sunday, April 19, 2009

*bonk* Oh noes!

I have a problem.
I'm bored with fashion design. I seriously need to stop that. But it's true. I want to write now. or do some more of this:
Isn't it lovely? ....I wonder if saying that makes me big-headed...I hate quickly I become bored with things that I enjoy. Part of me still wants to do toy design. And if someone were to offer me the tools to do a repaint right now, I would. I can't say the same for fashion design. The semester is ending in a few weeks, and I'll stick it out for now. But the question is, will I return?

Things that I have dropped:
-Ballet (age 3-6)
-Soccer/Football (2 months when I was like 9)
-Karate(Actually, I dropped this because I was injured...)
-Music school (*sigh* Maybe I'll go back....)
-The majority of the stories I start (writer's block)
-The baby! Oh dear!
-Practicing vector portraits

1 comment:

xyo said...

i've got a serious issue with dropping things too. i think it's a disease creative ppl have. your brain gets bored with things and want to try something new all the time. good luck with ur next new thing.