Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moving, Sickness and Updates

-How is it that in my list of stuff I hate, I forgot to mention moving? Moving from one home to another never stops sucking. I mean, it can be easier or harder depending on how much you like a place. I won't argue that. All I'm saying is it always bites leaving a place behind even if you didn't like it too much to begin with. Yes, I'm moving again. I'll be out of here by the beginning of June. This time around, I didn't go home-hunting with the family. There were two reasons for this. The first was that I simply did want the blood on my hands. The second is that I trust my family to find a home I can be comfortable in.

-If you were wondering how that whole school thing was going, the term ended with a final critique while I was rolling over in my bed with a headache, bad cough and fever. Go me. I was pretty much stuck at home for three weeks and at the end of it all, the doctor tells me (wait for it...) I had the sniffles. >.>Really bad ones too. He says spring brings pollen and dust. Mum says "Tell her to stop sleeping with the cats." So now Tippy and Felix sleep on the couch...most of the time.

-I've signed myself up with Avon, which is pretty rad. I didn't do so well on my first campaign, but that probably had something to do with the fact that I signed in a bit late...I only had one brochure and no business cards. At least I got my name out there, right?

-I have not abandoned "Alternatively"! I know it probably seems like I have because I haven't posted in forever, but it's quite a challenge trying to give a ton of characters different writing styles when you have virtually no formal experience with storytelling. I'll get it right eventually...

(++) Allison didn't win? SO not awesome.

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